17 maio 2010

Música: Yolanda Soares lança novo trabalho

Yolanda Soares e By the Music são indissociáveis do panorama artístico nacional sendo nomes que traduzem qualidade, diversidade e surpresa em termos musicais. Music Box “Fado em Concerto” e “Metamorphosis” são uma experiência musical inolvidável que cruza novas tendências, no primeiro trabalho o poder da música clássica e a seriedade do fado, no segundo trabalho radicalmente diferente oferecendo uma sonoridade que é uma verdadeira surpresa, uma aposta Montepio.

Segundo a cantora "este novo CD integra apenas originais e quase todos eles feitos por mim em conjunto com os meus músicos/compositores. Também tenho várias letras minhas. Mas...enfim...acho que neste novo trabalho utilizei mais de mim em todos os sentidos. Pois tratando-se de temas originais procurei muito mais no meu interior a melhor forma de me expressar. Sou muito mais eu neste trabalho."

No trabalho anterior confessou que "estava presa ao Fado e quis realmente fazer uma união entre o Fado e a Música clássica. Existia um conceito que neste não se coloca exatamente. Aqui a imaginação e criatividade falaram mais alto. Por isso tornou-se muito mais abrangente. Neste decidi que não poderiam existir limites."

A artista irá dar vários concertos e fará várias apresentações em todo o país destacando-se para os mais curiosos o primeiro showcase no dia 30 de junho pelas 18h na FNAC do Chiado.

5 comentários:

  1. International Criminal Charges laid against Portuguese singer Yolanda Soares (Iolanda Isabel d'Albuquerque Pina Soares) and her Manager Carlos Vicente (Carlos Alberto Salvador Vicente) and "By The Music"(son o No.014672/020711 - contribuinte No. 506 227 871).

    The charges relate to obtaining goods and services by deception from i.nternational sponsors

    Upon advice of Australian Authorities in Melbourne who have been investigating the illusive Australian Music Marketing Abroad (AMMA)and Mr Norman McCourt (apparently not a Director nor Editor of the A n'R - artist, repertoire and international licensing),criminal Charges have been laid against little known Portuguese singer Yolanda Soares (Iolanda Isabel d'Albuquerque Pina Soares), her manager Carlos Vicente (Carlos Alberto Salvador Vicente)and "By The Music"(son o No.014672/020711 - contribuinte No. 506 227 871).

    "By the Music" is a Portuguese registered business.

    Charges laid for "obtaining goods and services by deception".

    These charges relate to a National Marketing Campaign for her world tour , a sponsorship obtained with the use of fraudulent so-called "AMMA / An`R" music award from Australia.

    Yolanda Soares and her management now also have serious questions to answer to shareholders of Portuguese bank Montepio.


  2. Internationale Sponsoren VERLASSEN YOLANDA SOARES 2010 World tour Projekt
    Diese Kündigung scheint das Ergebnis einer laufenden Nichteinhaltung von dem Künstler-Management und die Künstlerin selbst in einem sehr teuren, internationalen PR-Übung Veröffentlichung einer World Tour in mindestens 16 internationalen Metropolen sowie die scheinbare "winning eines begehrten Award An'R in Australien ".

    In einem beispiellosen Schritt am Vorabend des Starts der neuen CD mit dem Titel "Metamorphosis" von Yolanda Soares an die portugiesische Öffentlichkeit über portugiesischen Jornal EXPRESSO Blitz und Magazine (Mai 2010), wo insgesamt 160 000 Freiexemplare von 5 Songs aus diese neue Arbeit, die sich nach portugiesischen Vertreter Marketing "Goodnews" verteilt, die Strutt Family Trust heute eine öffentliche Ankündigung, dass es zur Einstellung ihrer Sponsoringvertrag mit der portugiesischen Sängerin Yolanda Soares mit sofortiger Wirkung, obwohl der Vertrag angenommen wurde verbal zu haben wurden über einen längeren Zeitraum und würde ihr 2010 World Tour gebilligt haben.

    "Wir sehen nicht mehr jede brauchbare Rolle für Yolanda Soares in unserer globalen Marketingbemühungen und beendeten unsere Beziehung, die inoffizielle verbal auf Treu und Glauben gestützt war, mit sofortiger Wirkung."

    "Es muss sehr deutlich gemacht, dass wir uns stolz, Integrität und präsentiert nicht weniger als insgesamt Ehrlichkeit, ist es nicht möglich, mit jemandem, der Forderungen in Verbindung gebracht werden, um eine Auszeichnung wie An'R, die deutlich über keine gewonnen haben internationale Gültigkeit nach einem gesetzlichen oder musikalische australischen Behörden "ein Sprecher der Strutt Family Trust, sagte heute in Manhattan, New York.

    Die Mayfair Collection (Pty) Ltd hat bereits ihre inoffiziellen Sponsoring beendet, während The Mayfair Collection (Suisse) SA hat sich öffentlich von der Sängerin / Performerin bereits distanziert vor ein paar Wochen nach dem Hören eines Sponsoring-Vertrag unterzeichnete sie mit dem portugiesischen Bankers Montepio.

    "Wir sind offiziell beendet unsere Beziehung mit Miss Soares und wünsche ihr alles Gute für die Zukunft", eine Sammlung Mayfair (Pty) Ltd Sprecher in Cape Town (Südafrika), sagte.

    Es wird berichtet, dass die juristischen Dienste der führenden Unternehmen der Lissabon-basierte Rechtsanwälte in Bezug auf die Wiederherstellung finanziellen Schäden, die durch die Täuschung verursacht wurden beibehalten.

    Weder die Sängerin Manager Carlos Vincente noch Miss Yolanda Soares bereit waren, diese zu kommentieren.



    Here is how my team (and certain Australian Authorities ) see things….

    Who does not want to be coining it in like MadonnaMadonnaMadonna or Lady GaGaLady GaGaLady GaGa ?
    Place adverts on free sites and mass spam e-mails.
    Attend 1 MIDEM function, or dupe people to represent you at a MIDEM function.
    People respond to spam, MIDEM, free adverts on free blogs and websites and chat pages specifically orientated to the music industry Etc.
    You only want non Australian clients for this to work.
    Charge a fee to potential wannabe musicians who are gasping for some PR and status-quo improvement, plus promises of potential contracts with big named distributors.
    Get a P.O. Box Address where people send money to.
    Make sure they only send physical CD, an MP3 could be traced or too much work to deal with – after all this is a scam, so, money in, not out.
    Bank the foreign money orders – or cash them.
    Buy a barcode (ISSN 13 NUMBERS +/- AUD $35.99).
    Possibly recycle the ISSN Barcode over and over.
    Print the odd monthly or quarterly Magazine (eg. in China, 40 pages, full color, low gr paper +/- AU$1300.00 per month ?) that you can send to your “exclusive” clients – do not forget, you may not sell these magazines as they are actually not genuinely recognised or accredited by any relevant music bodies.
    Make sure the recipients of the magazines are part of a select mailing list – no public enquiries allowed.
    Charge an extra fee for “AnR Awards” or/and “ AnR Award nominations” (charge up to an extra AUD $2700.00 for this).
    Cancel the “award” ceremony at the last minute for some reason beyond your control (blame the caterer or an offshore volcano) and then simply mail something that will make the poor sods believe they won something.

    Optional is in which order you wish to follow the above 14 procedures.

    Here are entertaining assortments of comments from Blogs on An'R to “tickle your fancy”.


    In an unprecedented move on the eve of the launch of the new CD entitled “METAMORPHOSIS” by Yolanda Soares to the Portuguese Public via Portuguese JORNAL EXPRESSO and Blitz Magazine (In May 2010), where a total of 160 000 free copies of 5 songs from this new work are being distributed according to Portuguese Marketing Representatives “GOODNEWS”, The Strutt Family Trust today made a public announcement that it is terminating their sponsorship deal with the Portuguese singer Yolanda Soares with immediate effect, even though the verbal contract was supposed to have been for a lengthy period and would have endorsed her 2010 World Tour.

    This termination appears to be the result of an ongoing non-compliance by the artist’s management and the artist herself relating to a very costly International PR exercise publicising a World Tour in at least 16 Major International Cities, as well as the apparent “winning of a coveted An'R Award in Australia”.

    "We no longer see any viable role for Yolanda Soares in our global marketing efforts and have ended our unofficial verbal relationship which was based on good faith, with immediate effect."

    "It must be made very clear that we pride ourselves in having integrity and presenting nothing less than total honesty, it is not possible to be associated with someone who claims to have won an award such as An'R, which clearly does not hold any international validity according to any legal or musical Australian Authorities" a spokesperson for The Strutt Family Trust said today in Manhattan, New York.

    The Mayfair Collection (Pty) Ltd has already ended their unofficial sponsorships, while The Mayfair Collection (Suisse) SA has publically distanced itself from the singer/performer already a few weeks ago upon hearing of a sponsorship deal she signed with Portuguese Bankers Montepio.

    “We are officially terminating our relationship with Miss Soares and wish her well in the future,” a Mayfair Collection (Pty) Ltd. spokesperson in Cape Town (South Africa) said.
    It is reported that the legal services of leading firm of Lisbon based Attorneys have been retained in respect of recovering financial damages caused by the deception.

    Neither the singer’s manager Carlos Vincente nor Miss Yolanda Soares were willing to comment.

    Internet – Social Networks

    “Press Release: In the past weeks, several and repeated attacks to the image and reputation of the Portuguese artist, Yolanda Soares, have occurred in the cyberspace. These attacks consist in different texts and messages reporting fallacious news, in Portuguese, English and German and were published by anonymous users and/or individuals using fake IDs.
    These conducts constitute criminal offences in accordance with the legislation of various jurisdictions. These actions are known to have been undertaken by a criminal association that has already done the same in the past against other companies and individuals, with the sole purpose of defamation and money extortion from the concerned individuals, such as Yolanda Soares and her agent By The Music. On the contrary to what was alleged in these false news and messages, Yolanda Soares was distinguished with the “AN`R AWARD OF EXCELLENCE” in 2008 by the Australian Music Magazine, An’R (consisting of a music industry directory and magazine that aims the promotion of artists and musicians) - In addition and contrary to the insinuated, the artist Yolanda Soares and/or her agent are not in any contractual breach or otherwise infringing any third parties’ rights involved, namely in what concerns authorship rights/copyright, as it is further implied in said messages and news. Considering the seriousness and falsehood of this conduct, the necessary and adequate claims and legal proceedings will be carried out and filed against this criminal association to ensure the artist’s and the agent’s legitimate rights. The European and American Authorities shall be fully capable and given all necessary conditions and cooperation in order to identify the infringers. The Agent: By the Music”
